Wizard Animation

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 3, thing 7 Technology talk

My favorite fairly new technology is the DVR. I love being able to record my shows and fast forward through the commercials. HDTV is part of that. The picture is great. We had to go out and get a plasma HDTV of course. It's been great being able to watch "Lost" from the beginning when I get home from work while it is still recording. You can catch up to real time by skipping the commercials. Ever notice how you can still recognize the brands even thought you are fast forwarding? I thing advertisers have caught on to how to do this.

1 comment:

James said...

i have a friend with TiVo who prides herself on being able to fast forward on the highest setting and stop right at the end of the commercials before the show picks up again. that's talent :)